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Struggle With Writing Social Copy? Read This.

Social Media Copywriting Tips Copywriting on social media is an art, and it’s often overlooked because of everything else that goes into managing social channels. It’s critical but tough—best practices for social media copywriting are surprisingly fluid. Here are a few pieces of advice you can apply today to make your social content shine a little brighter. What To Do When You Get a Bad Post Request We’ve all been there before. It’s part of the gig. From ​Jack Appleby and Future Social​, here’s what to do ​when a higher-up gives you an absolutely terrible post request​ and all but begs you to post that sucker. Hint: It’s the path of least resistance. Want 60 Pieces of Content? We’ve got a solution: ​Our Content Engine​. 4 hours of your time becomes 62 pieces of unique and engaging content for your social media channels. Jump into our studio monthly or quarterly,

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Do Holiday, Birthday, and Anniversary Posts Belong on Corporate Social Accounts?

Do holiday, birthday, and anniversary posts belong on corporate social accounts? Our opinion: It depends on the purpose. A good purpose is if you’re following a thoughtful strategy. Maybe your company and your team has a lot of face time with current/prospective clients or customers. It’s a good idea to get their names and faces out there, so your audience doesn’t feel like they’re meeting a stranger. Maybe you’re in the middle of a hiring push and want to attract the best talent—showing off your team’s personality gives a glimpse into the day-to-day of working with your team. If you’ve got an experienced team and see that as a competitive advantage, anniversary posts are smart. Holidays are trickier—if they connect with your company’s purpose, mission, or values, you should absolutely share them. A “bad” purpose (which honestly isn’t that bad, you could do worse) is if you’re just trying to

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Need Social Post Ideas? Here Are 3 (and they’re free!)

Don’t Overthink Your Next Post. We’ve Got You Covered 👇 Here are 3 social post ideas to make your next content calendar just a little bit easier. Social Updates and Funky Things We Found This Week We’re Hiring! We’re looking to add a Production Coordinator to our team! This role is perfect for anyone who’s looking to grow and develop in video production. Responsibilities include studio maintenance, production tasks, collaboration with Directors and DPs, prepping gear, organizing our grip truck, serving as 1AC or Grip, and working with our team on recurring content projects. Learn more below! Check Out the New Digs In case you missed it (no hard feelings), we moved into our new studio space earlier this year. It’s been a game-changer for us and Greenville’s film and content community. Inside sits a 33×18 foot LED Wall in a 3,000-square-foot soundstage, an amazing new space for agencies and filmmakers to

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Data, Analytics, and Insights are Confusing

They’re Related, But They’re Not the Same Like cousins! Siblings are too close. These 3 things all connect, but they aren’t the same, even though they’re often used interchangeably. And honestly, that’s fine! As long as they’re being interpreted and shared differently too, that works. Let’s dive into each really quickly. Data This is just information. For us in social, these are numbers, behaviors, and demographic info that we can gather from platforms. That’s it! Analytics Here’s where the snowball starts adding layers. This is what you get after you look at your data through a more critical eye. It’s the trends and patterns that exist in your data. For anyone working in social, this is where you tend to go first when looking at data. Nothing wrong with that either! Insights If you want to think of this whole thing as a sort of funnel (marketing people love funnels,

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s What To Do

Social Media Teams Do the MOST Social media pros juggle a lot of responsibility. We’re graphic designers and video experts. Copywriters and data analysts. Customer service reps and business strategists. On top of all of that, there’s a mountain of manual work that has to happen. Phew. Anyway, here’s why social media pros shouldn’t wear all these hats: It’s a lot. A lot to manage, for sure, and a straight shot to complete and total professional burnout. Since most social pros are younger, that’s alarming. Burning out less than 5 years into your career? Been there—not fun. This overflowing plate of tasks also creates a lot of opportunities for mistakes to be made. Social pros are often left out on an island with no one to guide or review things. They get to a point where ideas move from concept to feed in a very short amount of time. Steps

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Check Yourself

This Tuesday email is brought to you by Labor Day! Thanks, Mr. Day. The Delicate Balance of Ego and Social Media Wait, what? Admittedly, this is a silly topic. But here’s the hot take: egos ruin good social media. It probably ruins all creative. It’s just in the nature of the work: you have to be humble enough to hear and apply feedback. The content is literally only as good as it’s perceived to be by your audience, so if you’re stuck thinking, “They just don’t get it,” you’re probably the one that’s lost. It absolutely stinks when your homerun idea turns out to be a dribbler to the mound, but that’s the job. Brush it off and try again. Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This We can’t believe we let this slip by last week! So, ICYMI, this is a post from the NBA’s official Facebook account. There are a

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The Algorithm Does Not Care About You

Don’t Create Content For the Algo You should be creating content for your audience, not the algorithm. It’s one of the biggest whoopsies we see social media pros make. And honestly, we’ve been guilty of it plenty of times too. It feels like a lot of “news” in the social world revolves solely around platform changes and updates. You’re thinking, “Isn’t that literally what this newsletter does? Bunch of hypocrites.” And that’s fair. Have your fun. The thinking is this: you should know what’s happening on the platforms. But in a vacuum, these updates don’t matter. If you spend all your time trying to “hack the algorithm,” you’ll just end up with followers who only care about your trending content. Try selling them your service and let us know how that goes. Or they’ll feel tricked into following you, which is so much worse! Create your content for your audience

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Why You Should Be Posting Youtube Shorts

YouTube Shorts Needs To Be a Part of Your Social Strategy Yes, we know: we’ve said this before. Like, 3 times. But that’s because it’s important, y’all. YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, and it’s kind of an untapped platform for a lot of people. It’s up there with TikTok for the best place to achieve high organic reach! You hear YouTube, and you probably think of long-form content right away. Which is cool—that still performs well here by itself. But the secret to high-performing YouTube is your first impression. We’re talking thumbnails, titles, and descriptions. YouTube is where SEO and keyword wizards shine. Although social media feels like a crowded space right now, we promise you not many people are placing importance on great content AND great copy. There’s no better place to combine these skills than YouTube Shorts. If you’re creating content for TikTok or IG Reels,

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You Gotta Be in it For The Long Haul

Here’s Why Social Media is a Long Game Your organic social media presence is a needle-mover, but you’re not going to see massive gains immediately. The goal is simple: create and cultivate a community. That’s it. If you’re all sales all the time, you miss out on connection—that’s what we believe is still at the heart of social. But it’s so often overlooked, and we’re guilty of that too! When you develop a connection deeper than something transactional, your sales funnel becomes smaller. Your audience’s steps are more intentional. You don’t really have to sell them anymore, you just need them to trust you to make their lives better. Sure, it’s a flowery sentiment, but ask yourself who the best-performing brands are on social right now. Now, ask yourself why. The answer isn’t complicated: they’ve made their audience feel like they’re “in” on something. They don’t see the brand as

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