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RIP Twitter

Is It Too Early To Talk About X? So, Twitter is no more. The name, that is. And the blue. And the birdies 🙁 You’re probably wondering the same thing we are: what the heck? And while we may not be able to answer that question, we can answer a few different ones! Questions like: Let’s break it down. What does it mean for my brand?It’s not clear right now, honestly. The first thing that comes to mind is any Twitter iconography you have on your emails, websites, or business cards. At some point, you may want to change these, but we wouldn’t worry about it right now. It’s not even clear what the X brand is going to be—heck, it was launched before any branding was created. And some moves have been flaky, objectively. So don’t rush into any changes yet. How should we adjust our strategy?Twitter’s core product

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Is It Too Early To Talk About X?

Is it too early to talk about X? So, Twitter is no more. The name, that is. And the blue. And the birdies 🙁 You’re probably wondering the same thing we are: what the heck? And while we may not be able to answer that question, we can answer a few different ones! Questions like: Let’s break it down. What does it mean for my brand?It’s not clear right now, honestly. The first thing that comes to mind is any Twitter iconography you have on your emails, websites, or business cards. At some point, you may want to change these, but we wouldn’t worry about it right now. It’s not even clear what the X brand is going to be—heck, it was launched before any branding was created. And some moves have been flaky, objectively. So don’t rush into any changes yet. How should we adjust our strategy?Twitter’s core product

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What To Do When Your Social Media Idea Well Runs Dry

Hey, It Happens Coming up with fresh content ideas day after day is tough. We know it. And this lack of inspiration usually strikes at the worst time, right? You need to hit a deadline or blow something out of the water, so you go to fire up the ol’ idea factory, and it just sputters and stalls out. We’ve been there too, and here’s one way to fight it: look back at the best-performing content you’ve already posted, then slice it differently. Here’s the thinking. You already know this content works for your audience. And with dwindling attention spans, there’s a good chance they won’t remember the post specifically (unless it was posted yesterday. But even then…). So, why not dig back into that bucket that you know works? “Slice it differently” can mean a few things for you. If it’s a video post that performed well, can you

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Finally, a Somewhat Chill Week in the Social Media World

Hope We Don’t Jinx It Last week was stressful, y’all. Thankfully, this week was a little more relaxed in terms of updates in the social media world. Deep breaths—we’ve got this. Probably. Here’s What’s New in Social So, no new platforms launched last week, which is cool! There were still some pretty important updates that happened, from technical changes in-platform to growing legal concerns. Check ’em out. We’re Hiring! We’re looking to add a Production Coordinator to our team! This role is perfect for anyone who’s looking to grow and develop in video production. Responsibilities include studio maintenance, production tasks, collaboration with Directors and DPs, prepping gear, organizing our grip truck, serving as 1AC or Grip, and working with our team on recurring content projects. Learn more below! Check Out the New Digs In case you missed it (no hard feelings), we moved into our new studio space earlier this

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So, Some Stuff Happened in the Social Media World Last Week

Twitter, Meta, and the Battle To Come Take a few seconds to relieve the tension in your shoulders, social media marketing folks. They’re probably up to your earlobes right now, just like ours. Some big moves were made last week, and we’re going to break them down, starting with our obvious headliners. (We’re working chronologically, so we aren’t purposely burying the lede, promise. Deep breaths.) Things We Saw and Liked This Week There are just a few things here this week. We had a few other things to wrap our brains around (see above). We recently launched our monthly Social Media Mastermind Group to help solo creators, social teams-of-one, and small business owners better understand the social media lanscape, starting with the available platforms. Want to see the first live session? Check Out Our New Crib In case you missed it (no hard feelings), we moved into our new studio

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How to Become More Discoverable on Social Media

Here’s How to Reach More People Organically on Social Social media platforms are kind of awesome again, thanks to TikTok. Basically, every social media platform is now prioritizing new, recommended content for its users, which is a big opportunity for you to bolster your organic social presence and reach new people. Only, it’s never that easy, right? Especially if you’re feeling burned by the last 5ish years of social platforms absolutely destroying organic reach. Here’s how to take advantage of revamped algorithms and get in front of new users: Hooks: A strong hook can pull in someone watching your video content for the first time. There are a lot of different ways to qualify a “good” hook and honestly, yours might be different from ours. But something short and engaging tends to do the trick here. Our advice is to try a couple different approaches until you find what sticks.

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Take a Peek At Our Social Team’s Tools

Social Media Teams Are Only As Good As Their Tools. Aside from all the cameras and other gear our team has, here are the tools we use often to create social content for our clients: Sprout Social: Content management for all of our clients’ profiles. It saves us a ton of time posting content and managing our communities. AirTable: We create all of our content calendars in here. It’s a much more collaborative version of a spreadsheet—our old method of calendar creation. Canva: Makes creating graphics, mockups, storyboarding, and even presentations so much easier. CapCut: Native editing tools in Instagram and TikTok are kinda clunky, plus it’s hard to reshare content created in each app, so CapCut makes it easy to post 9×16 content across all platforms (YouTube Short, TikTok, IG Reels). This was created by the same company that owns TikTok, so you’ll find all your sounds and templates

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How To Improve Your Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Can Be Tricky. This Should Help. Facebook (sorry, ahem, “Meta”) ads can be really tricky to manage, and it’s easy to get lost inside your own account suddenly. They’re aware of this, so they released something called “Performance 5,” a series of data-driven insights to help you better manage your ads. Check it out here and check out our thoughts on each below: Conversions API: Yes, very good to connect and use this inside your ad account. Simplified Ad Sets: This is another good thing to do, mostly because you’re releasing control and letting Meta’s delivery do the hard work for you. It’s definitely a balancing act and takes a lot of effort to find a balance. Broad Targeting: This is where we have a few questions. We think it depends on your advertising objectives—increased awareness and even traffic generation into a remarketing funnel perform best with broad

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Instagram Released a Comprehensive Algo Guide

Instagram Spilled Its Secrets IG’s recent revival has been so inspiring. They’re very much on the up-and-up, AND they just released an extremely helpful guide to better understand their algorithm. Here are the highlights: A big thing for social media teams to understand: each part uses its own algorithm to populate content. Feed rankings are determined by activity, post info, engagement history Stories rankings are determined by viewing history, engagement history, and presumed closeness (ie friends or family) Explore rankings are determined by post info and existing engagement, user activity tendencies, engagement history, and account info Reels rankings are determined by user activity, engagement history, existing engagement, and account info This is a really great breakdown that simplifies the release even further Given how helpful releases like this are, it’s amazing to us that more platforms don’t do this regularly, like Google. It helps us create strategic content and helps

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How a Weird Blue Couch Became a Social Media Sensation

A Weird Blue Couch Stole the Social Media Show This Week. Here’s an academic recollection of how it went down: So, this girl finds a couch left outside, right? Cleans it up, chucks it in her apartment. Objectively gross move. She gets rightfully questioned about this. Then, it spread to all corners of the internet. We saw it first on Twitter after it had been meme-ified. And again. Aaaand one more for good measure. For a few hours, it was the only thing anyone was allowed to Tweet about. What do you think: gross or opportunistic? AI. It’s Still Evolving. Adobe released FireFly, an AI machine used to enhance creative in Photoshop. Its Generative Fill is NUTS and by far the most impressive AI application we’ve seen so far. Okay, maaaaaaybe not. Nevermind, it actually is sweet. Meta: Things Are Going…Really Well? Zuck is having himself quite a year, it

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