You Gotta Be in it For The Long Haul

Here’s Why Social Media is a Long Game

Your organic social media presence is a needle-mover, but you’re not going to see massive gains immediately. The goal is simple: create and cultivate a community. That’s it. If you’re all sales all the time, you miss out on connection—that’s what we believe is still at the heart of social. But it’s so often overlooked, and we’re guilty of that too! When you develop a connection deeper than something transactional, your sales funnel becomes smaller. Your audience’s steps are more intentional. You don’t really have to sell them anymore, you just need them to trust you to make their lives better. Sure, it’s a flowery sentiment, but ask yourself who the best-performing brands are on social right now. Now, ask yourself why. The answer isn’t complicated: they’ve made their audience feel like they’re “in” on something. They don’t see the brand as a revenue-generating entity, they’re a resource—a place they go to learn or find some sort of entertainment. You can do that too, regardless of your size or industry. And don’t be discouraged by what feels like small growth. This is a long game, after all.

TikTok Isn’t The New Google

It’s bigger than that—the brands are partnering now. You may have noticed this the last time you scrolled endlessly on TikTok, but if you missed it, Google results are starting to appear on TikTok’s search pages. That is HUGE for searchability and reiterates how important it is to follow standard social SEO.

We’re Adding To Our Social Team!

We’re hiring (again)! This time, we’re looking for a Social Media Coordinator to help us serve our clients. Content calendar creation, social reporting, community management, and publishing are a few of the tasks on this person’s plate. But, you get to join a pretty sweet crew! Click below to learn more.

This is the Perfect Video Structure 👇

An effective video has 3 things: a hook, a message, and a CTA. Will breaks down what each of these means, and how you can add them to your next video.

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