
Instagram Released a Comprehensive Algo Guide

Instagram Spilled Its Secrets

IG’s recent revival has been so inspiring. They’re very much on the up-and-up, AND they just released an extremely helpful guide to better understand their algorithm.

Here are the highlights:

  • A big thing for social media teams to understand: each part uses its own algorithm to populate content.

  • Feed rankings are determined by activity, post info, engagement history

  • Stories rankings are determined by viewing history, engagement history, and presumed closeness (ie friends or family)

  • Explore rankings are determined by post info and existing engagement, user activity tendencies, engagement history, and account info

  • Reels rankings are determined by user activity, engagement history, existing engagement, and account info

  • This is a really great breakdown that simplifies the release even further

Given how helpful releases like this are, it’s amazing to us that more platforms don’t do this regularly, like Google. It helps us create strategic content and helps users understand how to curate their experience. A real win-win.

Tom Wambsgans, CEO.

After its final season ended this past weekend, we’ve been obsessed with this Twitter account that exclusively posts Succession gifs. There’s one for basically any occasion.

This Week’s AI Roundup

AI made more strides this week and ventured into both pointless and creepy territory. Which is cool!

Some Cool Things We Found on Social


Get Better at Social

Last week, we launched our monthly Social Media Mastermind Group help solo creators, social teams-of-one, and small business owners better understand the available social platforms and which ones they should be using. Want to see the first live session?

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