Here’s How to Reach More People Organically on Social
Social media platforms are kind of awesome again, thanks to TikTok. Basically, every social media platform is now prioritizing new, recommended content for its users, which is a big opportunity for you to bolster your organic social presence and reach new people. Only, it’s never that easy, right? Especially if you’re feeling burned by the last 5ish years of social platforms absolutely destroying organic reach. Here’s how to take advantage of revamped algorithms and get in front of new users:
Hooks: A strong hook can pull in someone watching your video content for the first time. There are a lot of different ways to qualify a “good” hook and honestly, yours might be different from ours. But something short and engaging tends to do the trick here. Our advice is to try a couple different approaches until you find what sticks.
Thumbnails: A lot of this advice is about making a strong first impression (not a pun), so thumbnail has to be on this list. Don’t overthink this, just create something that looks and sounds like your brand but gives a glimpse into what your content covers.
Hashtags: Seriously, hashtags are still very much a thing. And you should be using this thing on IG and sparingly on TikTok. We’ve also seen success using hashtags on LinkedIn for service-based companies.
Keywords: Content recommendations are based a lot on keywords these days, so taking an SEO-first approach to your content creation is actually super smart. Think about your audience, what they’re looking for, and how they search for it. Then, work those words or phrases into your content.
Consistency: Whatever your approach is, you’ll never know its true impact unless you stick with it. There aren’t many overnight success stories on social media—it’s all about sticking with your strategy over the long term.
Agility: Okay, maybe this one’s a little weird and contradictory to the previous point, but hear us out. The best content creators out there can mobilize and make a new idea happen quickly. You should be doing the same with your brand! New content formats or topics? Give them a shot.
What’s Happening in the Social Sphere?
Glad you asked. Check these out:
Aww man. No more carousels on LinkedIn 🙁
Need help posting to LinkedIn? Good news. The platform is leveraging AI to help you out, and it can help you create posts in the future if you just give it an idea. Sure, it’s probably not going to be great when it launches, but every AI tool we’ve seen so far has been able to grow quickly into a really powerful tool. We’re on board.
Everything is now TikTok, part 43
Any testing nerds out there? YouTube is allowing creators to A/B test thumbnails! Considering how important these are (read above), this is going to be a huge help to so many, especially those who are leaning into their YouTube strategy for the first time.
We just love watching things get made on TikTok.
There has never been a more relevant GIF, maybe ever.
Check Out the New Digs

In case you missed it (no hard feelings), we moved into our new studio space earlier this year. It’s been a game-changer for us and Greenville’s film and content community. Inside sits a 33×18 foot LED Wall in a 3,000-square-foot soundstage, an amazing new space for agencies and filmmakers to bring almost any creative vision to life through virtual production. It’s also got three 500-square-foot content recording spaces, which are great for talking heads, social content, podcasts, online courses, photoshoots, and more.
Get Better at Social
We know how hard it can be to run an effective social media presence with a smaller team. Heck, we’ve had to figure this out ourselves. Once we started growing, we realized that we really wish we had someone to tell us the right way to do things. Better yet, it would’ve been great to grow alongside similar teams going through the same struggles. We created a group to do just that through monthly educational sessions. Check it out below.