
Twitter Algorithm Secrets Revealed

Twitter spilled the tea, y’all.

If you’ve done any sort of work on social media at all, you’ve probably searched for something like, “How does the [insert social platform] algorithm work?”

And most of the time, you’ll find out that this information is top secret.

Not true for Twitter–at least, not anymore. Not since Elon made it public (which is something we predicted in a podcast episode last year).

Big social news like this (and all the drama with it!) can be a pain to dissect, so friends, we’ve done it for you.

Here’s everything marketers need to know about the Twitter algorithm reveal:

  • Engagement boosts are counter-intuitive
    • Annoyed you’re not getting replies? Well, don’t be. Likes are boosted in feeds 30x more than replies, meaning you’ll ultimately get more reach and eyes on content when your audience smashes that heart.
    • Retweets also give you more juice than a reply–they’re boosted 20x more.
    • Replies are the baseline–they don’t get boosted at all.
  • Membership perks
    • Twitter Blue members get additional reach–so if that matters to you, you might want to shell out $8/month after all.
  • Media matters
    • Tweets with videos and images get 2x boost (great news, if you ask us 😉)
    • Tweets with links could get marked as spam if they don’t receive engagement. Weird wording, but they don’t get ‘punished,’ so keep posting links when it makes sense. Kinda hard not to as marketers, ya know?
    • Spelling matters! If a word in your Tweet isn’t recognized by a common language or interface language, your Tweet will be severely punished.
  • Reach is in the niches
    • They’re paying attention to the context of your posts and sharing them with users interested in those topics. Translation: it looks for your niche, and if you stray from it, you’re going to confuse the algorithm and it won’t know who to push you to.

And while these are the big things marketers need to take away, the full reveal is pretty juicy. If you want to dig into the whole thing…

Also happening ’round the social sphere…

  • On Instagram:
    • Reformation is a clothing company with a painfully simple content approach. They find well-performing skits on IG Reels/TikTok, send the creator free clothing, then have them recreate the skit again in their new attire. And these posts usually perform BETTER the second time they’re posted.
    • License to Krill. No notes. It’s perfect.
  • On Twitter:
  • We had to watch these, now so do you:
  • A new app!
    • Lemon8: Owned by the same company that owns TikTok. What could go wrong? This app is supposed to be geared more towards evergreen and lifestyle content, kind of the exact opposite of TikTok.


Want more social secrets? Or maybe a little hands-on guidance? Then lean in, ‘cuz we’re about to launch monthly small sessions built especially for content creators, solo social teams, and small businesses. Consider it a masterclass in all things social, from tactical ‘how to post on TikTok’ lessons to strategic ‘how to I find my audience’ tips. If you want in, click below to get on the list.

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