
YouTube Launched a Podcast Platform! It Stinks!

YouTube Had a Good Thing Going—Why Did They Mess With It?

Some of the world’s biggest podcast channels moved over to YouTube to kickstart the platform’s podcasting efforts. Their numbers absolutely stink—we’re talking like 45 views per episode. A few takeaways here:

  • This should make you feel a little better about your own numbers if you’re posting podcasts to YouTube. If the guys with massive, established audiences can’t get it right, there’s hope for you yet.

  • This shows that you need to consider content type(s) and existing audiences when posting to new platforms. Of course, it’s easy to make that comment in hindsight but still: evaluate your platforms, people.

  • Basically, no one is listening to YouTube podcasts. And we think it’s because this content isn’t made for YouTube. Its users expect something visual every time they open the platform. YouTube will have to literally train them to use their site differently. We’d do it for a treat.

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TikTok Changed Everything, Y’all

You can thank TikTok for pulling other platforms back to interest-based algorithms. Since they’ve become a mainstay in the U.S. social space, basically every app has tried to copy everything they do well, most notably its feed algorithm. Twitter ripped it off word-for-word, and Meta has overhauled its algo to include way more recommended content based on your activity. Jack Abbleby at Future Social wrote a great think piece about why this matters to your brand.

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