Maybe it’s because you realized how much time and equipment you need…and how expensive those things are. Or maybe it’s because you realized you have to edit the thing after it’s recorded…and then figure out how to release it. Maybe it’s all those things.
Stop stressing—let us handle the nerd stuff in our professional podcast studio. All you have to do is sit down, speak your mind, and watch your influence grow.
There’s a reason why podcasts have a 94.7% rate of failure.
Talking is the easy part, but podcasting? That’s hard and expensive.
We take out the stress of buying gear, recording, editing, and finding the perfect aggregator (yeah, you’ll need one of those).
We save you from making mistakes that hurt your brand instead of helping it by recording in a professional podcast studio.
How easy is it really? It’s as easy as sitting down and talking—you’ve been training for this your entire life. Before you start, we’ll meet with you to help you craft a great show.
How quickly do I get my edited files? In two weeks or less, you’ll have the video and audio versions of the podcast and four snippets for social media.
Do I need to find my own guests? You’re responsible for the content of the podcast, including booking guests. But we make that easy too.
How do you make booking guests easy? You get to choose your date and time for the entire term of the agreement so you can book guests and plan for each episode well in advance.
Do you publish the podcast for me? We’re happy to! Just ask us about a hosting and publishing add-on.
How long should my show be, and when should I release it? These are all things we’ll share in your onboarding meeting we’ll have before you get started—along with all the other tricks we’ve picked up over the years.
Whether you’re needing just podcasting or podcasting + our social media and content team, we have you covered.