How we shed some light on a $#!tty situation.
The Project
Police Security Flashlights is a CPG company in Georgia that sells–you guessed it–flashlights. They wanted to create some videos for their cool twin power technology that could be used in a B2C lens for Google ads, and a B2B lens to get attention from buyers.
The Challenge
The Twin Power tech is cutting edge–and is eliminating the need for all those cartridges that come with dual powered flashlights (yeah, in case you didn’t know, there’s a purpose for that weird black tube in the flashlight package). Our job was to show off why this was so cool.
The Insight
During a call with the client to learn about the product, someone said, “It’s great for those ‘oh shit’ moments.” The PSF team are the type like like to take risks and push boundaries–and soon, we’d cooked up a bunch of funny scenarios where you could really use some backup power in your flashlight.
The Outcome
Our cutting edge LED wall made it so easy—and comfortable—to film four locations in a single day, and we were able to knock out five commercials in less than ten hours. The videos are safely in the client’s hands, ready to jumpstart their paid ad creative.

The Finished Spots

We know what you’re thinking…
“Hey! I need to make some digital ads, too!”