
Is It Too Early To Talk About X?

Is it too early to talk about X?

So, Twitter is no more. The name, that is. And the blue. And the birdies 🙁

You’re probably wondering the same thing we are: what the heck?

And while we may not be able to answer that question, we can answer a few different ones! Questions like:

  • What does this mean for my brand?
  • How should we adjust our strategy?
  • Should we jump ship now?

Let’s break it down.

What does it mean for my brand?
It’s not clear right now, honestly. The first thing that comes to mind is any Twitter iconography you have on your emails, websites, or business cards. At some point, you may want to change these, but we wouldn’t worry about it right now. It’s not even clear what the X brand is going to be—heck, it was launched before any branding was created. And some moves have been flaky, objectively. So don’t rush into any changes yet.

How should we adjust our strategy?
Twitter’s core product is still there, it’s just wearing a fresh new fit. So your strategy should stay exactly the same. None of the features or UX changed with this update, so there’s no good result to wipe your approach and start from scratch.

Should we jump ship now?
If you’re already on Twitter and seeing results, don’t bail because the name is different (and feels really…not PG). If you aren’t on Twitter and that’s working great for you, don’t feel like you have to jump over. Just keep an eye on it either way. Do people begin to use it differently? Do new audiences appear that are relevant to your brand?

Why can’t WE light $44 billion on fire?

We’re Hiring!

We’re looking to add a Production Coordinator to our team! This role is perfect for anyone who’s looking to grow and develop in video production. Responsibilities include studio maintenance, production tasks, collaboration with Directors and DPs, prepping gear, organizing our grip truck, serving as 1AC or Grip, and working with our team on recurring content projects. Learn more below!

Check Out the New Digs


In case you missed it (no hard feelings), we moved into our new studio space earlier this year. It’s been a game-changer for us and Greenville’s film and content community. Inside sits a 33×18 foot LED Wall in a 3,000-square-foot soundstage, an amazing new space for agencies and filmmakers to bring almost any creative vision to life through virtual production. It’s also got three 500-square-foot content recording spaces, which are great for talking heads, social content, podcasts, online courses, photoshoots, and more.

Get Better at Social

We know how hard it can be to run an effective social media presence with a smaller team. Heck, we’ve had to figure this out ourselves. Once we started growing, we realized that we really wished we had someone to help us out along the way. Better yet, it would’ve been great to grow alongside someone going through the same struggles. We created a group to do just that through monthly educational sessions. Check it out below.

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